I have a co-worker whom everyone believes is a compulsive liar. At first we thought she was all honest and nice person. But lately she's been in all sorts of "accident/incident" that sometimes happen in a 2-4 day run. The first story she told us one day she came to work all sad and crying that her mom was just diagnosed with cancer.Of course everybody felt sorry for her and we all were so sad about the news... well ,at least almost all of us...but my gut feeling tells me something otherwise, but I just disregard that ... few weeks down the road,she's been missing work or coming to work and then go home because she couldn't stop thinking about her mom. The manager gave her some time off so she can be with her mom and we thought it will be fine after that...well to cut the story short on this particular drama... she's been missing work or calling in sick because of the same excuse for at least 2-3 months,...our work schedule of course has been disrupted so many times,but she hasn't been punished or even reprimanded for those many absences.
well that didn't stop there... it got worst and lately she's been coming up with quite a good story/excuses for being late or calling in sick... one time she called in saying she'll be late because she was just right in front of an accident...1 hr later she came with a huge frappucino in her hand...she will always be late for her shift for at least 15 min to 1 hr and with so many colorful excuses. one time she called on a Friday coming in late because her husband had a bad back or something... next day she called again saying the husband was in an accident , who was a day before cannot get up due to a bad back.. next day , she came to work late and even left early because her husband had spilled gas on his eyes... the following day Monday, she called in because her daughter has a urinary tract infection...well, there has been so many occasions that I personally feel and knew that everything's just a lie... even the car that's supposed to have been in an accident didn't even have a dent nor scratch.... and also, she made a mistake of giving 2 different excuses to two different people why she has to leave work early or cant come to work the next day... how do you confront such person to tell her to stop lying?... |