A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
| If I am to understand this exactly how you describe it, and it isn't just your perception, you may have a case of discrimination against you. However, key details are needed for establishment of this case: how big is your firm? If it's over 15 employees you have a case. Less than that, you don't. Moreover, do you have an Equal Opportunity Employment department in your firm? Usually, one would necessitate the other. That is 15+ employee firm allows EOE department. I wrote all this so you don't have to get back to me (on this forum) and can judge for yourself what to do. Whatever the case, DO NOT go over her head if that's possible. You must first bring the situation to her attention and if she blows you off tell her you are going over her head. It doesn't hurt to just casually (not in a threatening manner) mention you talked to your lawyer and...You haven't but if you don't mind a little white lie you can always use that line. Oh, if you do have a case, you have to talk to your EOE representative and file a claim. Retaliation against you is punishable by law, so go ahead. Even if your EOE says you don't have a case they will keep it confidential and you risk nothing. Good luck.