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Workplace Bullying
I have a psuedo supervisor who is doing sociopathic behavior. I lock my office, but find she will mark up the walls around my desk with a pen and pencil. She made a nasty note with magnet letters I have on my file cabinet calling...

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Workplace Violence
I have been harassed, verbally sexually harassed and have faced bullies daily I am now to sick to work. My work finally agreed that they were wrong in not moving me from the toxic area, but it is to late I am to ill on many Meds n...

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Safety Issues

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We are building racking over office is it safe or not. It is sturdy racking. Built to hold more then what is being placed on racking, because of that reason. Is it safe or not....

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Health Issues

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I've been working in a this automotive guarage for about one year. Being in a colder climate the doors are mostly closed. There are four mechanics and parts sale people ect in the building. We have proper ventilation setup in...

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Poor Employee Morale

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I call sick for 1 day because i have a dentist appointment but when i get back to work my supervisors is trying to search my mouth if i really go to dentist, is it against my rights if i get search like that by my supervisors eve...

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Lack of Training

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I’m a supervisor and designer at a large florist. We usually have at least 3 to 4 florists on the floor just on a weekday, and on weekends there’s normally a half dozen of us. I’ve been with the same florist for years. I’m a...

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Lack of Tools

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Our Board of Education has privatized the school district's cafeteria services. I am employed at the cafeteria through this private company. The school district has 5 buildings for which the private company has one director. ...

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Sexual Harassment

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I have been on the receiving end of some really graphic comments by my colleague, both of us are senior managers in our organization. Some of the things he has said are extremely vulgar and directed at me for example ' I'...

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I have been employed with the county, as a cook in the detention center for over 9 yrs. This past week, in front of a co-worker, I was told my set shift(M-F) would be changed to all weekends from here on out, and that the other em...

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Wrongful Termination

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Hello. Please excuse confusing title, the situation falls under several categories, and IS absurdly confusing... Last month I suffered a series of blows at work: First, I was the target of a theft allegation(entirely without mer...

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Is it considered favoritism if there is company wide dress code but only certain people can wear what the dress code says you shouldn't wear? When you question this you are told its not your business leave it alone. If you t...

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Disability Feasability

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I’m currently waiting for a kidney transplant. This means that I typically need dialysis twice every work week. Dialysis means that I have to sit in the hospital for four hours with nothing to do but sit there. Since I already ...

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Unethical Behavior

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Hi there, I had a bit of a situation with a fellow manger at my workplace. We were having a meeting and discussing issues that we need to fix on both of our ends and she brought something up that is really bugging me. She ment...

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Corporate Fraud

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If corporate owners are misrepresenting the company financial position and I am aware of it, can I get in trouble?...

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Employee Theft

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Okie so last week me and another employee got suspended they didn’t tell me anything or even why i was getting suspended only that they were looking into somethings and my name came up....and they didn't tell me when I would ...

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A worker was absent on from work, the next day she brought a docters note to excuse her from being absent. I asked what was the problem she said she had an operation. The next day 15h00 she said she got a lot of pain and she feel ...

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Falsifying Documents

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My supervisor falsified documents showing 14 occurrences in one year and did not take in account of fmla leave I had in that year and had our manager do a write up and counseling in regards to this,at this time I asked if they had...

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Asked to audit books , found discrepancies ,and I feel I'm being discriminated against and set-up. Now the manager who placed me in the position is backing me up. Found lots of money due to mis-managing and porr billing pract...

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Poor Supervision

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Im having a few problems at work well it starts as im a very good employee i must say first of all i always hit my goal each month and never call in let me explain about that i never call in because its the worst to do, my supervi...

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Poor Communication

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Hello everyone, Hope all the members are fine, i have a difficult task to do in office ,as our office communication style is so poor and i m also lost my communication skills, one of our employee coming late to the office and i...

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Office Romance

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I work for a company where two of the directors are having an affair. This would not be a problem except that the company has a very strict no fraternization policy and one of the people involved is married. The one who is not mar...

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Overworked Employees

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What if the employer says that you are not overworked and that you should be able to manage the purchasing, sales support, order entry, new vendor management, 3PL warehouse inventory control, haz mat out of the distribution center...

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Office Odors

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We have open kitchens adjacent to the work areas, that are each supplied with a refrigerator, toaster oven, industrial coffee maker and a microwave. Unfortunately, when some items are cooked, the odour spreads throughout the ent...

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I have worked for the same company for 10yrs. I have worked in 4 major departments in that time. 3 years ago a new Director of Operations was hired. We butted heads immediately. I have tried many ways to make our work relationship...