My coworker has managed to isolate me from everyone on my small department. My boss and my coworker are friends and so my boss has protected her whenever I made a complaint to HR. This coworker has now been promoted to a position that I was equally up for. Nothing from HR.
I had my 3 month review last week, although I have been working there for over 6 months. My boss has only made time for my review just now. Without giving reasons why it is 3 months late. The review was horrible. I basically got the lowest score on every evaluation point. At the end of the review, my boss and the department manager told me "I wouldn't want to work in a place where I was not happy." "Look at your evaluation for god's sake! Do you really want to work here?" I told them it sounded like they wanted me to quit. But they said no. They just wanted me to know that I have a choice to make the effort to improve or to leave.
It is clear to me they are trying to get me to quite or eventually fire me for incompetence. I have the support of others in other departments. They have all said, lots have come before me and I wont be the last.
I want justice. I want the bully to be punished and removed from her promotion.
How do I get external help involved. My HR department has helped my manager how to get rid of me.