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I am being bullied by my coworker and boss.
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Can you help this person? They have a problem with
Workplace Bullying and need some advice.


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This is the original problem from an employee...
My coworker has managed to isolate me from everyone on my small department. My boss and my coworker are friends and so my boss has protected her whenever I made a complaint to HR. This coworker has now been promoted to a position that I was equally up for. Nothing from HR.

I had my 3 month review last week, although I have been working there for over 6 months. My boss has only made time for my review just now. Without giving reasons why it is 3 months late. The review was horrible. I basically got the lowest score on every evaluation point. At the end of the review, my boss and the department manager told me "I wouldn't want to work in a place where I was not happy." "Look at your evaluation for god's sake! Do you really want to work here?" I told them it sounded like they wanted me to quit. But they said no. They just wanted me to know that I have a choice to make the effort to improve or to leave.

It is clear to me they are trying to get me to quite or eventually fire me for incompetence. I have the support of others in other departments. They have all said, lots have come before me and I wont be the last.

I want justice. I want the bully to be punished and removed from her promotion.

How do I get external help involved. My HR department has helped my manager how to get rid of me.

Employee: lowkey
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A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
I dont really have an idea, as much as an ultimatum. This kind of thing goes on and on and on at almost every place I have worked at; this leaves you with 2 options:
either quit and find somewhere else, leaving behind your two cents on your way out the door....(it wont help the situation, but you may feel a little better)


Call the BBB or ACLU and complain, but be prepared to make a "federal case" of it, because you will need a lot to get a little
Contributor: visitor
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A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
Unfortunately, these situations happen all the time. It's not fair and it's not right, but some of these managers are more interested in playing friends at work than actually doing their job. Ask yourself: What does the late evaluation tell you about this company? What does the lack of response from HR tell you about this company? Knowing these things about the company, can you ever really be happy there? If the answer is no, than it is time for you to start looking into other options. You want to work somewhere that values you, and if this is not the place, then spare yourself the misery!
Contributor: visitor
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Disclaimer: The advice displayed within this site is not legal advice and is not to be taken as legal or professional advice in any way. Any communication within this forum is intended only to discuss a number of possible options. All ratings have come from site visitors and reflect a peer review only.


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