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Can you help this person? They have a problem with
Wrongful Termination and need some advice.


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This is the original problem from an employee...
I was hired through an agency. I used to work for this company from august 18, 2008 to march 09, 2009 then was laid off and never found out why. My agency got me a position at the same company but in a different dept. I started work at the same company again on June 09, 2009. I worked there for two days and received a phone call from my agency on June 11, 2009 to tell me that the company has decided to lay me off. I found out from an inside source the same day that the reason they let me go was because the manager I used to work under from august 18, 2009 to march 09, 2009 told human resources that he was suspicious of me trying to get someone fired in in his dept by putting some of the company's products in her purse. The manager that i was working for from June 09, 2009 to June 10, 2009 talked with human resources and therefore decided to lay me off. No managers or supervisors or anyone from human resources ever asked me about the situation or gave me a warning that i was being accused. No evidence was ever presented. I want to know what I can do from here and who I should talk to about what to do.  
Employee: anonymous
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A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
Unfortunately, you are in a situation where you have not been given an opportunity to exonerate yourself of an accusation. The human relations department of this company has chosen not to follow through as your position is not their responsibility. It cost money to do and they are not under an obligation to do this, your employer is the temp agency. Since the temp agency has faith in you and your character, ask them not to place you with this company again.
Contributor: visitor
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Disclaimer: The advice displayed within this site is not legal advice and is not to be taken as legal or professional advice in any way. Any communication within this forum is intended only to discuss a number of possible options. All ratings have come from site visitors and reflect a peer review only.


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