A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
| I had the same issue. I turned my boss in for unethical, mmoraland illegal activities. This all took place in a town hall. I reported it to the supervisor many times before I finally drew up an outline, went to a neutral party and a board member plus I turned it into the ethics board. Needless to say the supervisor was protecting her and nothing ever got by him or his secretary to inform the other board members so they were unaware. They started pulling me into meetings which I'm not stupid, when they request that you come in front of the whole board in a closed meeting things are going to end badly. The one board member that was behind me came to me prior to the meeting. I went and retained an attorney, labor attorney. The meeting was going off and they did not know I was going to have an attorney there. Well needless to say they changed their tune. As of that point I was protected under the whistleblower law. I was even down to the state trooper making out depositions. I also filed a violence in the work place on my boss because she requested a "gun" from stewarts. Well don't you know the supervisor has long arms and put a stop to the report. There is so much corruption on any level of government. They well get away with what they think they can and collect political assets along the way. It has been 4 yrs and I still sit here doing my job. A petition will be started soon to oust this person from her appointment by the residents of this town. There are numerous people that are disturbed by her being in the position she is. Hopefully this petition will do the job because election is right after that. I think this petition has a political leverage.
A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
| If you report a violation and the company fires you, you can sue the company for retaliation. If you get fired I would talk to a lawyer.