A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
| If you're not comfortable with this, it is already costing you too much. I believe that this type of scenario is more common than not. It is all about the money and not ethical ways of earning money. You can't feel good about it and hopefully you won't have to sell out yourself. Honestly, If I feel strongly about human values I would walk off a job. I have done so, but that is me. I really try not to let fear control me and yes, I am a single provider in my home. What I often do in the interim is let the other individual know that I know what they are doing is unethical. I do so without words. You need your job, but you don't have to fear him, he should fear you knowing what is going on. The truth of the matter is if something goes down that is unpleasant, this guy will probably try to hang you with it. You know the company's dynamics, be creative. In management there is a lot of unethical and illegal activity going on. Keep yourself well grounded and play smart. Take all into account and figure a way to mirror his fear and unethical behavior back to him. Maybe you need to grow some deaf ears and let him be on the run. Think out of the box.
A visitor of this site offers this as a possible solution...
| Document (Email, etc) those people via email. Send return receipt. If anything happens, you are covered. I am in a similar situation. Sorry to say, if you do whats right, it doesn't matter. Keep your good job in a bad economy and things will work themselves out.