I am an insurance agent.A manager asked me to create a certificate of insurance with a bogus policy number on it just to get it out the door.I didnt know it was bogus at the time.When asked where he got the policy number,he said he got it from the underwriter.It was discovered this was untrue and he fessed up to making the number up. To me, this is unethical behavior and possibly a punishable violation in the insurance world. I am ethical and moral and I cannot work with an unethical manager.He is also son in law to the boss so I fear this will be swept under the rug and I will be put in more situations on the future. If this is indeed punishable, I want to report it since I dont feel the employer will,due to the family issue. I fear if I report it I will then lose my job. I want to know if this is a punishable violation and what protects me from being fired if I report it to the insurance authority. |