I recently got called in to my supervisors boss' office. She explained to me someone complained that I was talking at the end of the day. I explained to her that I was talking about problems in the department, and I was talking about how to solve the issue with another co-worker. We wrote an email to our boss. In the next couple days, another co-worker of mine told me that my boss told everyone in our department that I got talked to about this issue. For privacy matters, I went to my boss' supervisor. I told her what people were saying to me. She asked the my other co-workers about the issue. Two of my co-workers said that my boss did tell them, the other two, whom doesn't like me told her that my boss didn't say anything. My boss' supervisor basically told me I was telling a lie about the situation. The two who told my boss' supervisor that my boss did not say anything are my boss' favorite employees. They get off with basically anything. Like handling work, not doing anything, talking.. etc. My boss hardly knows about our job in the department. She treats all of her other non favorites like crap, we have to do most of the work that she is supposed to do. I have had enough of these things. Should I go to Human Resources about these issues? |