I work for a sales organization that is more "every man for himself" type scenerio. I do sales support more pre-sales type work. When my calendar is full and I am already skipping lunches and working late, I get reps that basically ask me to drop what I'm doing to do their task. I politely respond with "I can't right now, I'm in the middle of ABC can we do it tomorrow at x time" they demand it gets done now, and I further tell them I don't have time and it has to be tomorrow. Then they complain to my manager that I'm not being supportive. and I get in trouble for not doing their task. When I tell my manager that I had other things to do and didn't have time, all I get told is "you may just have to work more hours" I reply with "I'm already working through lunches, working late, and show up on some weekends" to which he replies I just need to find the time. How do I fix this situation. I've tried everything i can think of other than just blowing up on everyone. |