I have been at my job for a year. I started out with one administrative job description. Over the year, I have taken on many more jobs, more than I should have. I have always done my best and the jobs have always gotten done. I got my 1 year job evaluation last week. I got a superior evaluation. My merit raise was 50 cents an hour. I asked if it could be negotiated and was told no. Now I really feel like I have been taken advantage of for this past year. Especially since I know the other two women in my department, who were hired a month before me, are making at least $2 an hour more than I am and I am doing more work than they are. The one has called off sick at least 3 months of the past year, and I am not exaggerating.
I am now feeling frustration and resentment. I have not said anything to my boss. I have decided that I can either accept this, or I can try and do better with a new job. I am going to start a job hunt next week. But, am I wrong to feel resentful because of this? I'm not sure what to do. |